

photos / berlin's museuminsel / berliner dom / aimee and I went for proper german cake and white hot chocolates / altes museum / i was dead excited about the egyptian museum and seeing nofretete / sneaky photo inside of the egyptian museums / the neue museum had the most beautiful marble staircase / one ticket for all the museumshe berliner dom at dusk / the humboldt box + building works of the palace / frozen yoghurt at wonderpots 

day three of berlin.
today aimee and i ventured out on our own as the other girls were lucky enough to have entry to a couple more trade shows. we made plans to visit the egyptian museum which i really wanted to see (used to obsessed with egypt and pyramids when i was in primary school - don't ask). what we didn't realise though is that the egyptian/neue museum is situated near the other 'main' museums of berlin, as well as the cathedral. although we decided not to go into the cathedral, we stopped for traditional german cake - when in germany... we then finally got to see the 'bust of nofretete' at the museum which has its own dedicated room, making it really special and overwhelming to see such a famous piece of history. the museum itself has really old fashioned but beautiful architecture with marble everywhere, such as the staircase. we then briefly went to look at anton gaff's exhibition at the national portrait gallery, followed by a trip to the 'humboldt box' - a pop-up museum explaining the re-build of the berlin palace, which takes place just behind it. the museum was really interactive, as the new museum within the palace will be. there was also a lovely, old, german man there who was more than happy to tell me all about the building site. in a hunt for food, we came across the 'alexa' shopping centre which was huuuge, and i made aimee try amazing turkish food, followed by frozen yoghurt - best combination there is, i think. in the evening, we ventured all the way out to spandau to meet up with a friend of mine for beer and cocktails.
essentially, a day of seeing and doing things that we weren't necessarily told to go and see whilst in berlin but definitely nice to do something a bit different and see such a vast amount of berlin, not just the city centre.

lots of love from berlin